Ins & Outs of Grenada

66  SIGHTSEEING INS& attractions at-a-glance attraction telephone hours entrance Fort Frederick, St. George 8am-6pm Mon-Sat EC$5 Fort Matthew, St. George 8am-6pm Mon-Sat EC$5 The Tower Estate, St. George (473) 405-8807 10am-6pm Wed-Sat EC$65 (inc tour and afternoon tea) Smithy’s Gardens, St. George (473) 407-3019 By Appointment EC$40 (inc tour and refreshment) De La Grenade Industries, St. George (473) 440-3241 8am-4pm Mon-Fri EC$5 Art House 473, St. George (473) 538-2954 11am-5pm Mon-Sat FREE Annadale Falls, St. George 8am-5pm Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Sat-Sun EC$5 Clarke’s Court Rum, St. George (473) 444-5363 8am-4pm Mon-Fri EC$8 Sunnyside Garden, St. George (473) 440-1588 9am-5pm Mon-Fri EC$25 Grenada National Museum, St. George’s (473) 440-3725 9am-4:30pm Mon-Fri 10am-1:30pm Sat EC$5 Fort George, St. George’s 7am-5pm Mon-Sat EC$2 House of Chocolate, St George’s (473) 440-2310 10am-6pm Mon-Sat Free