Ins & Outs of Barbados 2023

112 Shopping Plantains Wrapped in Bacon 3 ripe plantains 6oz/185g pack of streaky bacon Method: Preheat the oven to 350F, 180C or Gas Mark 4. Cut the pack of streaky bacon down the centre. Peel the plantains and cut them into wheels 2”/5cm in length. Wrap each piece of plantain in 1/2 a piece of streaky bacon. Bake the plantains for 20-25 mins or until a nice colour brown Finger Squash Where to buy: Available island wide. Season: September to January. These delicate little squash have a delicious buttery flavour. Cut off top and tail and boil for 10 minutes in lightly salted water or steam. Yam Where to buy: Available island wide. Season: Harvested in October, they keep very well so can be bought for much of the year. Yams were discovered in the Caribbean when Columbus arrived. This root crop comes in various sizes and many strange shapes, with a rough dark brown skin and white or creamy coloured starchy flesh. Not to be confused with the starchy Caribbean sweet potatoes which are sometimes referred to as yams in North America. The delicate and slightly nutty flavour of yam is perfectly suited to this very simple recipe. Yam in Butter Sauce 3lbs/750g yam 3oz/90g butter 2 small onions, cut in rings 1 tin 16floz/500ml whole tomatoes, sliced A few dashes Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup 4floz/125ml water Pepper sauce to taste Method: Peel and cut up the yam under running water, dropping each piece into a saucepan of salted water immediately. Be sure to keep the peeled yam always covered in water to prevent it discolouring. Wash hands and lower arms thoroughly as an organic chemical in yam skin can cause itching. You can wear gloves or rub your hands in oil to prevent any chance of this. Boil until just tender and drain. Be careful not to overcook. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a small frying pan and lightly brown the onion rings. Add sliced tomatoes. Continue to sauté for a couple of minutes, seasoning to taste with salt and pepper. Add the water and bring to the boil and simmer for a couple of minutes. Pour butter sauce over the sliced yam. Serves 6 Avocados Where to buy: Island wide. Season: August to December Local avocados are huge, creamy and very flavourful. Mangos Where to buy: Available island wide but street vendors usually have the best varieties. Season: July to December A wide variety of mangos are grown in Barbados and they vary from the small Pawee to the large Imperials. Most people’s favourite is the Julie, medium in size and deliciously creamy. Mango Mousse 3lbs/1.5kg ripe mango, peeled and flesh cut off seed to give 4-5 cups diced mango 1 1/2 cups 12floz/360ml whipping cream 2 egg whites 1-2 tablespoons lime juice to taste 1/2-1 cup (4-8oz/125-250g) sugar 2 packages gelatine 1/2 cup 4floz/125ml hot water Garnish: 1/2 cup (4floz/120floz) whipping cream, 6-7 slices mango and a slice lime Method: Purée the mango in a food processor or blender to yield 3 cups mango purée. Some mangos are very stringy and if this is the case, strain the purée. Pour the cream into a small mixing bowl and place in the freezer for 10 minutes. Cream needs to be very cold to whip successfully. Beat the egg white in a completely dry and clean mixing bowl until it stands in peaks. Beat the cream until it holds its shape and place in the fridge. Soften the gelatine in a little cold water and dissolve with the sugar in 1/2 cup of hot water.